Thursday, January 7, 2010

Where to get all your coupon info!!!!

Hip2save is an amazing blog. I probably check her blog 12 times a day. She keeps her blog updated constantly. I feel that I owe everything I've saved to her. She has saved me so much money and shown me so many deals. Instead of trying to explain everything myself I just want to link to her page. Here are Collin's Coupon Basics, Tips, & More! Click here to find out where you can get coupons. Here is her store guide to Walgreens, and CVS. Thanks Collin for everything that you do :o)!!!! I strongly encourage you to take a look around her site.

1 comment:

  1. Hip 2 Save is great.. I use her and email her with a lot of deals too. make sure to check out my site. I list a bunch she doesnt.


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