Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Kroger Mega Event Shopping

I ran to Kroger last night after class. I don't get out of class until 9pm so I really just wanted to get done and get home. I also went to 2 different CVS's, Wags, and Walmart. I didn't get home til like almost 11 last night. But here's what I snagged!! I did 20 Mega Event Items and will probably go back again tonight for a few other things that I need.

Mega Event Items
2 French's Honey Mustard
3 French's Mustard
2 Dixie Plates
4 Hormel Chili
1 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel
2 Ritz Crackers
2 Goldfish Crackers
4 Quaker Rice Cakes

Non Mega Event Items
2 Rotel (these weren't mega event at our store they were 10/$10)
3 Large Eggs (only $0.88 each!!!)
4 Healthy Life Bread ($1 each, free after $0.50 coupon doubled)
Banana's (0.49 lb)

My total 12.86 for 30 items!!! Avg of $0.42 for each item!!!

I saved $49.18 or 79%


  1. What a great trip! YOu have a darling blog, I love the colors!
    Darn I keep forgetting to get the mustard...

  2. I just LOOVVEE when Kroger has the mega events - I did FIVE this week and am thinking of going back today just to get a few extra things :) It's the little things ya know ;) Nice job!

  3. Go you! Frugal= cool in my book!

    Happy Friday Follow! I'm your newest follower! I look forward to coming back! Would you follow me back?

    Shannon at:http://www.milkandcuddles.com/

  4. Toni- I ordered some coupons and i'm waiting for them to come in so I can get my husband 20 cans of chili :) Yay Kroger!! :o)

    Caree- thanks for following me I will head over to your blog :)

    Shannon- loved your hair bows holder I am now following you :)


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