So excited about this Wags trip :o) I went earlier in the day around 3ish and it was pretty busy at my store. I was trying to find the Vicks cough drops and had no luck. Then I came home and read on hip2save's blog that people were finding these by the candy area. So after I put my son to bed I ran up to Wags at around 8:30. I knew it would be pretty dead, I live in a small town. So imagine how estatic I was when I found these :o)!!!!!! You can still do this deal until your
P&G coupons expire on 3/31. You might even want to order more from a coupon clipping site or Ebay. Here's how my trans went.
(10) Vick's cough drops 2/$1.79 = $17.90
(5) Puff's w/ Lotion $2.49 = $12.45
(2) Purex B1G1 Free = $5.99
coupons Used:
(5) $1.50 off any Vick's $7.50
(5) Free Puffs wyb 2 Vicks products $12.45
(1) B1G1 Free Purex $5.99
subtotal: $1.45
Tax: $1.15 (tax was almost as much as my total)
Total: $2.69
I wasn't sure what puffs to grab, but since the coupon didn't specify I got the good ones!! lol :o) Also I only used (5) Vick's coupon b/c I didn't want it to beep. Hope you guys can score this deal too!!
P&G coupons expire on 3/31. You might even want to order more from a coupon clipping site or Ebay. Here's how my trans went.
(10) Vick's cough drops 2/$1.79 = $17.90
(5) Puff's w/ Lotion $2.49 = $12.45
(2) Purex B1G1 Free = $5.99
coupons Used:
(5) $1.50 off any Vick's $7.50
(5) Free Puffs wyb 2 Vicks products $12.45
(1) B1G1 Free Purex $5.99
subtotal: $1.45
Tax: $1.15 (tax was almost as much as my total)
Total: $2.69
I wasn't sure what puffs to grab, but since the coupon didn't specify I got the good ones!! lol :o) Also I only used (5) Vick's coupon b/c I didn't want it to beep. Hope you guys can score this deal too!!
92% savings?! That's amazing. Makes me wish we had a Walgreens!
Great week!